Sunday, April 19, 2009

Adding Remote Control

Here is the standard 3-pin IR Receiver. right pin to 5V through a 150 ohm resistor, middle pin to GND, Capacitor between 5V and GND. And left pin to Arduino digital input through 150 ohm resistor. The first resistor and capacitor are for noise suppression. The resistor for left pin I'm not sure what it is for, but the code I used, specified it.

Update: the 150 ohm resistor on the left pin to Arduino digital input is not needed because it is a pull-up resistor and you can enable the built-in pull up resistor in Arduino. More here

The IR receiver module I used is the Vishay TSOP348. $ 1.14 from Mouser. These modules from Seeedstudio will also work: IRL106A2B , and probably any IR receiver will work.

As it turned out, the protocol for the Sony remote is the simplest and there is code available in the Arduino forums. I used the code in this post as-is and it worked right away. I will incorporate this code into my code. There is no need for a "remote pre-processor" as I thought I needed in this post.


  1. Hi glt,
    jkeny here - love the work you're doing here - I'm now following this blog & hope to ba able to contribute soon!

  2. Nice to see you here. I'm struggling with the remote code as the code I like is blocking. If I can't fix it, I'll choose another code...
