- Support for 4x20 LCD Display and large number display
- Brightness and contrast adjustment with remote
- (OPUS/Wolfson WM8741) DAC volume control: remote and rotary encoder
- (OPUS/Wolfson WM8741) DAC random filter selection 1 to 5 with remote
- (OPUS/Wolfson WM8741) DAC upsampling selection (L, M, H -this is the OSR setting)
- I2C level shifting (5V to 3.3V)
- Optimized power-up sequence

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Remote is pretty Cool

Having been without a remote for quite a while (DIY audio equipment), it is pretty nice to have remote... I've integrated the remote code and have enabled remote volume and remote filter selection. The remote change is pretty fast, so there is no need for a 10x volume change speed as it is plenty fast already. The filter selection is by pressing a number. I've also posted the code.


dweeb4 said...

I see you have the remote working fully now! Would you recommend the IR Remote from the sidebar?

You're making some rapid progress on this project - well done! I hope I can be as productive

Anonymous said...


At first I thought I would need a "remote pre-processor" the one in the side bar. As it turned out, if you use a sony remote, you just need some code and works very well. The "pre-processor" is good because it can learn any remote.